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5 interior decorating ideas tagged Blue and Green Bathroom Design Ideas

Blue and Green Bathroom Design Ideas – Interior decorating ideas for bathrooms painted in blues and greens.

The combination of blue and green with an accent of either white or cream is an ideal color scheme for a Coastal style. Below you will see that most of the decor of the bathrooms featured here with the blue and green color combination are indeed in the Coastal interior style. You can enhance this style by adding beach elements like seashells, oars and other nautical themes.

The best way to combine green and blue in the bathroom is to use pastel hues. You can also opt for a bold hue while keeping the other in a soft/ light pastel. This color combination, especially when both colors are pastels, creates a tranquil, spa/retreat like environment.

Matching lime greens with turquoise blue hues on a white backdrop is a great color palette for a retro styles bathroom.

If you are going to go bold with the greens and blues and use more saturated pigments, this is best kept to Contemporary and Traditional styled bathrooms.